whitney + nick, austin texas
one of my most favorite things is to learn about things I love from people I admire. Whitney and Nick would be two of those people. two years ago Nick and Whitney founded The Archibald Project which is an orphan advocacy non-profit. they use media to educate and inspire people into taking action for orphans. I had followed TAP on Instagram for a while and always had a heart for their ministry. one day they posted a call to action that they were looking to hire a part time creative director to join their team. I obviously had to apply for the position and lucky me I got the job! a couple months ago I was able to make a trip down to their home in Austin to spend some time getting to know Nick and Whitney, The Archibald Project and all about my new position.
these two are passionate about what they do
from the moment they picked me up from the airport to the moment they dropped my off these two were the bests hosts and teachers! most of our three days together were spent learning all about how to share The Archibald Project effectively with other people. we talked fundraising, social media, graphics and future dreams. on top of being great teachers, they were amazing tour guides. these two know good food, so my tour of downtown Austin included trips to some awesome restaurants! Nick and Whitney have big plans for TAP and I am so excited to be able to share in the dreaming!
orphans have been a passion of mine for a long time. I have always desired to use my talents as a photographer to help children in need. this opportunity is such a blessing, however I cannot do it without your help. one of my roles is to raise money for The Archibald Project. everything we do for families adopting, orphanages, and organizations is free of charge. if you would like to support me and my mission please visit www.thearchibaldproject.com/donate/ and select "support O'Malley." thank you for helping me live out my dream.
to learn more about The Archibald Project, visit www.thearchibaldproject.com or follow along on social media, @thearchibaldproject